APU Students Explore AI Advancements at Tesla Malaysia | Asia Pacific University (APU)

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APU Students Explore AI Advancements at Tesla Malaysia

A Journey into the Future of Technology

APU's visiting group, led by Asst Prof Ts Dr Maythem (front), exploring Tesla Malaysia and is being received by the company representatives.

On 8th October 2024, fifty students from the School of Computing (SoC) at the Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU) embarked on a remarkable industrial visit to Tesla Malaysia, gaining firsthand insights into the cutting-edge AI technologies that drive Tesla’s innovative products.

Organised by Assistant Professor Ts Dr Maythem Kamal Abbas Al-Adilee, this visit provided students with an exclusive opportunity to explore Tesla’s contributions to sustainable energy and AI-powered solutions.

Ms Yinyin Loo briefed APU's visiting group at the Tesla Charging Station and Showroom.

The day began with a warm welcome from Tesla representatives Ms Yinyin Loo and Ms Arya, who introduced the group to Tesla’s overarching mission: to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. The session offered students a comprehensive overview of Tesla's electric vehicles, energy products, and the pivotal role that Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays in Tesla’s technological advancements.

APU students enthusiastically explored the features of the Tesla EV.

A key highlight of the visit was the in-depth exploration of AI applications in Tesla’s self-driving cars and energy management systems. For the students, the real-world demonstrations of these technologies made a lasting impression, as they were able to witness firsthand the innovation driving Tesla’s success.

A landscape showcasing the company name is set amidst the garden in front of the office building.

Liew Kar Yan, a Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons) in Intelligent Systems student, shared her thoughts: “The Tesla visit was extremely well-organised and gave us a deep insight into their technological implementation and milestones. One of the most impressive parts of the tour was the presentation on the advancements in battery technology. It gave me a new appreciation for the company’s focus on sustainability.”

Her coursemate, Andrew How Rui Qin, echoed the enthusiasm: “I had an engaging and insightful experience. The presenter shared a detailed overview of Tesla’s history, mission, and future plans, including their vision for autonomous ride-sharing vehicles, which could allow owners to generate income while at work. The facility tour and Tesla car showcase were amazing—it was exciting to explore the design and features up close.”

The industrial trip concluded with every student feeling satisfied with their experience.

Asst Prof Ts Dr Maythem concluded, reflecting on the significance of such visits for students: “At Tesla, we saw how revolutionary technology is shaping the future, and this is exactly what excites our young students. Organising industrial tours like this allows them to connect their classroom knowledge with real-world applications. It motivates them to dive deeper into the tech world, especially in the fields of AI and sustainable energy, which are critical to shaping their future careers.”

This visit not only inspired students to explore new technological frontiers but also gave them a glimpse into the innovative work environment of one of the world’s most forward-thinking companies.